Calling All Makers - Mask Clips Needed for Medical Workers!

Calling all makers... that have a laser or 3d printer!

Front-line medical workers need your help to be more comfortable while battling COVID-19!

We designed these mask clips over the weekend. They relieve pressure from sore ears by holding the loops behind the head instead. We are donating them to our local nurses but would love to get these to every front-line medical worker!

Our hope is for others with the ability to laser cut these clips out of 1/8" cast acrylic and donate them to their local medical workers. Please join us in helping our doctors & nurses by making them a little more comfortable while they work so hard for all of us!

Here's how you can help if you have a laser or 3d printer.

1. If you have a laser or 3D printer, download this cut file and start making these mask clips! (can convert for 3d printing upon request - for another great 3d printed design & article, CHECK THIS OUT)

2. Reach out to your local medical workers and to offer them for free if possible!

3. If you do not have the ability to make these mask clips and you or someone you know are in need, contact us or leave a comment below for information about locating a local maker or shipping clips to you or those that need them!

4. Share this page with as many makers and medical workers across the country as you can!



1 comment

  • Thank you so much for this! I have been searching for alternative design to create and donate to the first line responders.


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